When setting up a new DCC, or building basic infrastructure for your studio's artists to use, one of the most critical components to get right from the start is how they launch, use and interact with their content creation tools, otherwise referred to as DCCs (short for Digital Content Creation software). If you export your content from, say, Maya, you want to ensure that all Maya files in your project are set up correctly, using the same unit scale, system units, up axis, frame rate, etc... You also don't want any of these things to be left up to the artist; there are simply too many things that can go wrong, and the cost of issues like this not being caught until a great deal of content has been produced incorrectly can potentially be crippling for a project. So how do you ensure a DCC is setup for the artist, correctly, every time they launch it? The simple answer: give them a launcher that does it for them. "But" I hear you say, "launch...